eurythmy | coaching | consulting


Iris Zenker

An advice is a well intentioned suggestion. The action of asking for advice and giving advice to is as old as the world itself.

My work, or better my assignement, is to help the people who are asking for advice to empower them so that they are able to find the right answer in themselves. Actually it is not a good idea to ask friends for advice, because usually they are often too involved in the case. Misunderstandings could lead to mental overload and seperation.

I see myself as an inspiratory power and a mirror. Heraklit once said that it is given to all humans the power of self-awareness and clear thinking. Who is able to be aware of oneself and of clear thinking, has already done the first stelp of conflict resolution.

Maybe it is a conflict within a group where organizational blindness clouds the clear thinking or is it the one way trip and you do not know how to turn?

Maybe you are feeling lost on high sea with tumbling wavess urrounding you? Where you cannot see the save harbour?

In this case I could try to support by helping you to find your own perfect solution for the problem.

As a group, as a couple or alone, everything is possible.

We can work in familiar surroundings where you can feel safe and secure. I will come to you.

Any questions? About prices or other conditions? Please, feel free to contact me via mobile or email.

Good advice must not be expensive- but it has ist value.